Monday, December 24, 2012

basketball the pre-set program has made them awkward.

Into a small fleet of fighter forces dispersed onrush warships distance and the other to play a number of advantages. Not kept 死拼. Battlefield on the big screen As the sun reminder, there have been changes, from all over came to escort warships opened with the Zixing warships formation distance, just by the numbers and the other long-range bombers. Fighter forces changed a large cluster combat mode, driving 100 units of small groups of free-assault tactics.
The sudden change of tactics received a miraculous constantly fighters rushed into the flames in the release of a powerful thermal nuclear missiles, the Zixing warships One by one was hit by a missile. Has attracted robot distance and of the bombers warships too much attention, in the face of the raging fighter, the pre-set program has made them awkward,basketball.
Old Yang, this is the third ship. Enemies have targeted our attention immediately continuous small S maneuver, A team went to get rid of their side of gunfire attract each other firepower, the B-team look at engine can not be around to near the C team and I rushed. shout eyebrows Yang Libing up behind him one hundred fighters immediately divided into three teams.
Old Yang, not to say that the lord come back and not change anything? Now you see how? pull up over the warships.
after ship that goal, the face again sagged and also because the other side to make it into a pile of garbage.
Yang Libing and Javier is in meeting that the two pilots of the the card wind mothership sun home, they are guarding the only team grade pilot as Captain Unfortunately, because the two have been dissatisfied with the upper made the do not want to be in cahoots with them, it still is the rank of Captain, but this lucky finally comes in their head.

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